our neighbors love us (serious sarcasm)

well the sewer work and alley closure happened yesterday and the we have no death threats (yet)... our wallet is much worse for wear since we had to include running a new line (from the side of the house) all the way back to the new sewer tap in the alley. (14ft below grade) Since the alley was closed all the demo from the 3rd floor piled up in the garage (what a mess)

spending a couple of hours with sub contractors we (I) learned that we need to have HVAC returns in every room of the house (oy!)...more duct work... looks like we'll need coffered ceilings on in the library / music room / dining room to make things work... I'm also not too sure about paying electricians $1,500 to run low voltage cable throughout the house (I think that's something i can do and enjoy (mostly))

pics below:


  1. admit it, you don't mostly enjoy running cable, you totally love it!!! it's just more fun when the walls are up and you can use cutlery to make the holes :)

  2. i love using kitchen utensils to make holes in drywall (although a dremel tool makes it that much easier) add the fact that this is running data cables in an empty cavities... i think life is good... we do need to find time to make this happen though...


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