it's muddy in here...

walls are closed... a new familia is smoothing and taping the walls. too bad it's so frigging humid out here (relatively) that they can't go any faster.

we made a list of stuff to get and I think it's a work in progress

oven has been purchased (in black)

so has the vent/hood

unfortunately the door hardware is a back and forth thing since we can't seem to get the right items (right color but wrong size and now the right size but wrong color) FedEx is making out like a bandit!

I think we're good with the flooring 1.25" oak planks and that's right after the mud is dry (next week?)...

now we still need to purchase all the trim for plumbing and the tiles (sigh) although we do have a pattern set (i think) subway with glass accents

time to drop off 65lb of door hinges and FedEx for their return trip to Charlotte...


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